Saturday, March 6, 2010

Compassionate Action - March 7, 2010

Exodus 2:23—3:10,19-20

LIFE IMPACT: To help you gratefully acknowledge God’s compassionate action on your behalf

1. Exodus 2:23-25 God Takes Notice – GOD SEES
A. How did the Israelites respond to Egyptian oppression? What action verbs describe God’s response?
B. What makes people groan today? What about God’s character leads you to believe that He still takes notice of you during your tough times?

2. Exodus 3:1-6 God Discloses Himself – GOD REVEALS
A. How do you know when God has spoken to you? What methods does God use to communicate with you?
B. What was the purpose of the burning o bush? What lessons did God teach Moses in these verses?

3, Exodus 3:7-10 God Takes Action – GOD MOVES
A. Recall a book or movie that had a surprise ending. How did the final outcome differ from what you expected?
prosperous land by God’s strong hand.
B. What role was Moses going to play in God’s plan? How do you think he felt?

4. Exodus 3:19-20 God Works Wonders – GOD ACTS
A. What was God’s ultimate goal in these verses? What were the obstacles that needed to be overcome?
B. What are some things people will go to almost any lengths to achieve or attain? In what areas of your life have you seen God deliver you?

Why did God take so long to act?? – He didn’t – He was working the whole time!!

Keys to Effective Prayer

Mark 14:32-50
February 20, 2010

Introduction – Why Do We Pray?
To discern God’s Will
To discover God’s Nature
To develop God’s Character

Barriers to Effective Prayer:
Emotion – Jesus was “deeply distressed” ... “swallowed up” (v32)
Personal desires – Jesus asked that the “cup be taken”
Fatigue – Jesus was probably tired, as the disciples “could not keep their eyes open” (v39)
Peer pressure – Judas was “one of the twelve” (v43)
Opposition – Jesus’ disciples all “deserted Him and ran away.” (v50)

Bridges to Effective Prayer:
Place of prayer – Gethsemane was a favorite location of Jesus to pray (v32)
Partners in prayer – All disciples went to the gate, he took three into the garden (v33)
Passion in prayer – Jesus “fell to the ground” (v35)
Purpose in prayer – Jesus’ goal was specific for his disciples – to resist temptation (v38)
Persistence of prayer – “Once again, He went away and prayed”. (v39)

Then He went a little farther . . . fell to the ground . . . and began to pray. (Mark 14:35)